The 5-Page Agency Website [FREE Template]

February 15th , 2024

I get it. As an SEO pro, you live and breathe websites – optimizing them, fixing technical issues, boosting rankings.

But when it comes to actually building your own SEO agency website that converts visitors into leads? Crickets.

Many of us fall into the trap of over-complicating the website design process. I’m guilty of it myself.

We pack our sites with a bunch of pages and content that prospects don’t care about, resulting in low conversion rates and struggles to land clients.

I want to change that for you.

In this comprehensive guide, I’ll show you how to build a lean yet high-converting website for your SEO agency in 5 pages or less.

Why Most SEO Agency Websites Fail

Before we dive into the pages and templates, let’s level-set on why most SEO agency sites suck at converting visitors.

The #1 reason? Information overload.

We incorrectly assume people deeply research services before reaching out. So we create these huge sites packed with details on our agency, leadership bios, 15 past case studies, pricing guides, etc.

But here’s the reality:

Prospects don’t care about you or your services. They care about themselves and solving their problems.


When visitors hit your site, they likely already know your service area and are evaluating if you can solve their specific issues.

They want you to clearly explain:

  • The problems you specialize in fixing
  • How your solution works
  • Proof it actually delivers results

And that’s it.

If your site provides that in a simple way, you’ll convert visitors like crazy.

The 5 Pages That Matter

So based on the above, what pages should your SEO agency website contain?

I recommend just 5 essential pages:

  • Home
  • Results
  • Macro conversion
  • Micro conversion
  • Blog

These core pages allow you to:

  • Establish credibility and trust
  • Showcase proof of your abilities
  • Capture visitor details
  • Guide visitors into a sales conversation

In this section, I’ll break down the goal and key elements of each page.

Want the 5 page agency website template suite? Join The Blueprint Training. Inside you will get access to training videos and dozens of templates that will help you run your agency.

agency website templates

1. Home page

Your homepage is the front door to your agency.

Its goal: Provide just enough information to either convince visitors to learn more or directly request a proposal.

Key elements:

  • A clear “hook”: Show prospects you understand their pain points. E.g. “Struggling to generate leads as an attorney? We know paid search can be hit or miss…” Hard truth hooks relatability!
  • Your “offer” statement: We help {your niche} do {their goal} by providing {your solution}. Establishes value prop clearly.
  • A snapshot of services: Don’t list all 20 services, just the core elements of your solution relevant to their problem.
  • Social proof: Reviews, testimonials, logos of big brands you’ve worked with, etc. Boosts credibility.
  • Pricing (optional): I know, scary. But it prevents wasting time on under-qualified prospects. Set a monthly budget range.
  • A footer with CTA: “Ready for more clients? Click here to see if we’re a fit”. Links to your conversion page.

Top tip: Write copy conversationally, like you’re speaking to an interested prospect one-on-one. Don’t sound overly salesy or corporate.

agency website home page example

2. Results page

This touts proof that you actually get results for clients.

Its goal: Build trust and address concerns that you may not be able to deliver what you claim.

Key elements:

  • Client logos/testimonials: Instant social proof. Have a few marquee brands you’ve served if possible.
  • Before/after examples: Show traffic, rankings, revenue boosted for past clients. Use graphs and percentages.
  • Awards / Media Features: Again boosts credibility. Even being quoted as an expert helps.
  • CTA to book a call: “Like what you see? Click here to explore if we’re a fit for your vision.”

Not having client examples yet? Don’t fake it with stock photos!

Instead, focus your homepage on relating to their pains clearly and explaining exactly how your process delivers results.

Many of our students have landed clients within their first 3 months of founding their agency without case studies. You can too!

agency results page

3. Macro Conversion

This core page moves visitors into a direct sales conversation.

Its goal: Get qualified visitors to book a call or request a custom proposal.

Key elements:

  • Appointment booking: Removes friction, lets them pick a time right away (we like Calendly).
  • Description of call: List exactly what you’ll cover. Builds trust and transparency.
  • FAQs: Common questions, objections, concerns addressed upfront.
  • Testimonial: “Ryan provided so much value in our initial call. Well worth the conversation!” Further incentive.

Mandatory form fills before booking are OK too but can increase drop-offs. Make sure questions qualify them as a fit first.

Pro tip: Don’t use contact forms that just capture emails before a form. Adds unnecessary steps and caps conversion potential.

4. Micro Conversion

This is for visitors who need more value before they’ll talk to you.

Its goal: Capture visitor emails in exchange for delivering them value.

Key elements:

  • Irresistible headline: Free Audit Reveals Why You Aren’t Ranking
  • Description: Get a 17-point website audit, analysis of top pages, and custom recommendations for improving organic traffic.
  • Testimonial: “Ryan’s audit gave us a crystal clear blueprint for fixing technical issues dragging us down. We’re already seeing more organic visits just 1 month after getting the report!”
  • Email form: Name, email, industry questions before accessing magnet.
  • Thank you page after opt-in: Redirect here, deliver lead magnet right away. Reduces dropoffs.

Deliver crazy value with your magnet to build authority and nurture visitors into leads.


5. Blog

Your blog should serve visitors looking to self-educate as well foster organic growth.

Its goal: Attract visitors via educational search content and build a subscriber list.

Key elements:

  • Search-optimized posts: Target informational keywords prospects use to learn about your services. Provide enormous value!
  • CTA for email opt-in: Offer a signup box or compelling free tool in exchange for their email.
  • Calls to contact: End each post with a CTA to take the next step and contact you.

Blog traffic converts wonderfully because visitors have high buyer intent. Especially for topics solving common problems your niche faces.

Leverage your SEO expertise to rank these posts and double down as a lead generation source!

agency blog template

How To “Prune” All Other Pages

I know what you may be thinking:

“But Ryan, what about my Services, About Us, Team, Pricing, Contact, FAQ and 20 other pages?!”

Here’s my take:

Your website isn’t Wikipedia. Prospects don’t show up to browse and learn everything you offer just for fun.

They visit with a purpose: to determine if you can solve their problem.

Extra pages dilute this core goal and spread visitors thin across your site.

So be ruthless in cutting and consolidating pages that don’t directly support conversion.

  • Services: Fold any details into a simple overview on the homepage. Don’t make visitors click through 10 service pages. State the core elements of your full solution upfront instead!
  • About: Unless you’re a famous thought leader, no one cares about your story or mission statement. Share a brief background if needed on the homepage itself.
  • Individual team bios: The only exception is if you have an extremely credible expert that visitors may search for specifically. Keep it 1-2 bios max.
  • Pricing guides: Add general pricing on your homepage as I mentioned earlier. Get specific in sales conversations only with qualified leads.
  • Contact page: Redirect this to your booking page! Make contacting you for a call to action the main decision, not just sending a generic “any questions?” form.
  • FAQs: Address common questions on your opt-in/booking form itself. If still necessary, add a collapsed FAQ section to those pages instead of a standalone.

Be vigilant about what truly needs its own dedicated page vs. what elements can be consolidated or woven into other pages.

Each extra page you cut down reduces navigation confusion, helps visitor flow, and focuses attention on your conversion path.

The Streamlined SEO Agency Website Design Process

With your core pages defined, it’s time to strategically design the site experience to drive visitors into conversions.

I recommend a four stage process:



1. Copywriting

Craft compelling copy for each page that speaks directly to your ideal prospects.

I like to start writing in a simple Notion doc. Jot down some headline ideas, your core offer statement, details on your process, and calls-to-action.

The key concepts to focus on are:

  • Relatability – Understand and connect with their pain points
  • Clarity – Communicate your solution and value simply
  • Proof – Provide concrete examples of results you’ve driven

Once your copy is tight, it can be dropped right into your page templates.


2. Grayscale Wireframing

Next, map out page layouts and content flow using grayscale wireframes. This is a simple and efficient way to get a visual understanding of how your pages will come together.

Start with the most important elements, such as your headline, call-to-action, and main content. Then add in any secondary elements like testimonials or images.

This stage is all about establishing the hierarchy of information on your page and ensuring it aligns with your conversion goals.

agency website templates

Get access to our Agency Website Templates inside of The Blueprint Training.


3. High Fidelity Mockups

Now we add the finishing visual touches: fonts, colors, imagery. By starting with grayscale wireframes, we can focus solely on the design and not get distracted by content or copy.

When designing your page, keep in mind that every element should have a purpose. Use visuals to enhance the message you want to convey and guide the user’s eye towards important information.

I recommend finding a talented designer on platforms like Behance or Dribbble to bring your wireframes fully to life without having to spend hours learning design software.

Provide examples of styles and sites you love to guide their work. Collaborate iterating until you have an aesthetically pleasing, brand-consistent site.


4. Web Development

Finally, hand off the approved mockups to a developer to code the site on your chosen platform. This step involves turning the visual design into a functional website with working links, buttons, and forms.

The developer should also ensure that the site is optimized for different devices and browsers, as well as test it for any bugs or glitches before launch.

You can choose to work with a freelance developer or hire a development team from a web agency. Make sure to communicate your expectations and timeline clearly to avoid any delays in the development process.

You can also choose to use a content management system (CMS) like WordPress or Squarespace to build and manage your site. These platforms offer easy-to-use templates and plugins, making it easier for non-technical users to create a professional-looking website on a budget.

Crafting A Content Marketing Roadmap

So you’ve built a beautiful website and it’s ready to go live. But now what? How do you attract visitors and keep them engaged on your site? This is where content marketing comes in.

Content marketing is the practice of creating and sharing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience – ultimately driving profitable customer action. In simpler terms, it’s about delivering quality content that meets the needs of your target audience.

You need to create a content marketing roadmap for your agency website that takes your audience on a journey from discovering your brand to becoming loyal customers.

To achieve that, you MUST create a holistic content plan that spans:


1. Clear and consistent messaging

This includes your homepage messaging, conversion page copy, case study examples, and any FAQs.

Treat site copy with the same care as a blog post. Optimize it for SEO with target keywords and provide immense value.


2. Lead magnet offers

Brainstorm 5-10 magnets solving your niche’s biggest issues. These will become amazing lead generation tools.

Ideas: Free website audits, profit roadmaps, toolkits, trainings, 1-on-1 consultations.


3. Blog content

Mapping out a 12-24 month content calendar is smart. Identify topics and keywords based on:

  • Most searched industry information
  • Common pain points
  • Questions your niche asks
  • Reader intent (informational, transactional, navigational keywords)

This creates a pipeline of content to rank and converter visitors from.


4. Outreach campaigns

Promotional campaigns involve creating valuable assets like:

  • Benchmark reports
  • Statistics presentations
  • Educational videos
  • Industry analysis webinars
  • Tools / calculators

And leveraging paid channels, outreach, and partnerships to widely distribute them.

Consistency across these 4 buckets is crucial. You educate cold audiences via content and outreach. Website messaging and magnets convince those already interested to buy.

Tracking SEO Agency Website Performance

How will you know which website pages and strategies are most effective for generating conversions?

Advanced analytics and event tracking are key.

I recommend plugins like Google Analytics, Optimizely, or HotJar connected to your site.

These provide visitor recording, lead journey mapping, goal/event tracking, and more insights to optimize both site design and promotional campaigns.

Prioritize adding events/conversion tracking code to forms, calls-to-action, chat widgets, etc across all pages. This clearly shows which pages and elements drive the most prospect engagement.

Review this data frequently and make iterative changes to continuously improve performance.

Small tweaks like re-ordering page sections, changing form fields, or testing different headlines can massively lift conversion rates over time.

Every visit and click matters when trying to capture leads in a competitive market.

Recap And Next Steps

If your agency doesn’t have a lean, high-converting website yet…well, now you have no excuses!

Let’s do a rapid fire recap of everything we covered:

  • Most SEO agency sites fail because they overload visitors with unnecessary info and pages
  • Keep your focus only on the 5 essential pages that move visitors into sales conversations
  • Certain platforms like WordPress better enable building sites yourself
  • Leverage done-for-you templates to shortcut setup and make customization effortless
  • Outsource any technical work rather than attempt specialist skills

Want even more detail on exactly how 7-figure agencies like WEBRIS structure their sites to turn visitors into high ticket clients?

We have an entire module on identifying your ideal client, crafting your core offering, and mapping out your conversion funnels inside The Blueprint Training.

Learn more about accessing the full course here!

I hope this guide gave you clarity and confidence around building a high-performing website for your agency.

Remember: don’t overcomplicate things – just focus on understanding your client and guiding them to a sales call.

Ryan Stewart

I build, grow and sell digital agencies. Most recently, WEBRIS, a 7 figure SEO agency.

February 15th , 2024



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